My White Princess Philodendron Tricolor Looks Pretty Elegance
Wow, I'm impressed! My white princess philodendron tricolor looks so elegant! I put it in a white pot, and the stunning colors of the leaves are so beautiful. I feel like this plant can create an elegant vibe and remove toxins from the air. Honestly, this plant is very easy to care for, but it can't stand wet soil, direct sun, or low humidity. Yep, it's the same as other tropical plants. This plant must have a regular watering schedule, medium to high humidity, and bright, indirect light. It's very suitable for a philodendron! Lastly, I can say that this plant has a very unique leaf color.
Pros and Cons Based on Reviews
- Can create elegant vibe
- Can removing toxins
- Relatively easy to care
- Very unique leaf color
- Wet soil
- Direct sun
- Low humidity